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Dynamic Workplace Assessment (WPA)

Dynamic Workplace Assessment (WPA)

a time-saving approach to strategic occupational health and safety work. By Christian Bisgaard, Business Psychologist at MyWorkplace and KIAPRO ApS

The strategic work environment work can often be a very time-consuming process, which ultimately for some may seem meaningless, for the challenge in the work environment we face today is not the same as tomorrow, and when we finally have to work with the WPA, half of the challenges are outdated. Especially when we look at the psychological work environment and work culture, which ultimately can mean that valuable employees thrive to such an extent that they either change jobs or become sick-listed. Challenges in the physical work environment, however, remain to some extent static and can therefore still be meaningful to address when we finally get to work on the challenges in the WPA.

The dynamic WPA is your tool for creating a safe, secure, and developmental work environment for your employees, ensuring that employees are heard and involved in the development of the work environment, NOW, where action and development are needed. And even in a time-saving way.

MyWorkplace bridges the gap between leader and employee in the modern workplace through dynamic WPA and supports targeted and meaningful strategic occupational health and safety work, ensuring action and development on both the physical and psychological work environment, thus continuously strengthening the well-being and satisfaction of your employees. In this way, you create the foundation for the necessary synergies between employees, which enable strengthened results in meeting the customer or core task.

A dynamic WPA helps you with:

  • Ongoing monitoring of the work environment through ongoing pulse measurements.
  • Automatic identification of positive and negative development trends that automatically alert you to necessary actions at individual, group, and organizational levels, so you see the challenges where they are when they occur, and you can act on them. At the same time, you see the good stories and can support these.
  • Inclusive handling of challenges, supporting co-ownership and influence among employees through data-supported dialogue-based processes such as uncovering and workshops.
  • Visible and collectively binding targeted development plans for the individual, the group, the team, and the organization, designed as SMART objectives, ensuring follow-up.
  • Automatic feedback on work environment areas that have received a lot of attention and areas that have received less attention and are therefore at risk of being overlooked.
  • Automated and time-saving documentation of occupational health and safety work, allowing you to create value and handle challenges where they are when they occur.

Make changes when they happen, where they happen.

The dynamic WPA is a process that involves pulse measurement of well-being and challenges in the work environment, uncovering, dialogue-based WPA, development plans, and follow-up. This ensures that both positive and negative trends in the work environment in your workplace are identified and addressed purposefully and meaningfully when they occur. Thus, you can create the greatest value from your efforts in creating safety, addressing challenges, and thereby supporting well-being in your workplace, so your employees can solve your core task or can get the right help to do so.

This dynamic process is also stored - both with ongoing evaluation of the work environment, further uncoverings, workshops, plans for handling, and the effect of handling. This makes it easy and clear which themes you have addressed and focused on in the past year, and which themes are at risk of being overlooked, so you can also act on these areas.

All this is collected in one platform, and you can see trends, handling, development plans, responses, and follow-ups on your targeted efforts, which you can quickly gather in a documented report and thus comply with the legal requirements regarding WPA and handling of work environment challenges. Not just with a 3-year interval but through an ongoing dynamic process, where challenges are handled where they occur, and when they occur, and positive trends can also be strengthened.

It all starts with continuously "taking the pulse" in your organization

Instead of the three-year mandatory WPA, which examines all corners of the work environment simultaneously in a long, time-consuming, and exhausting process for both management, work environment organization, HR, and employees, MyWorkplace creates the foundation for a dynamic WPA. Through ongoing pulse measurements of the work environment in your organization, it becomes possible to identify both positive and negative development trends, and it becomes possible to act on them when they occur. You thus have the opportunity to see the positive stories as they happen, investigate these, and support these to create strengthened cohesion and a greater sense of competence and success in one's work. At the same time, you manage to discover the negative trends, and you can handle these when they occur and therefore create optimal conditions for your employee so they can produce results. MyWorkplace offers the opportunity for your organization to choose between templates for questionnaires or develop your own pulse measurements in the company and choose your intervals for these measurements. There are questionnaires within:

  • Physical work environment
  • Psychological work environment
  • Work climate
  • Cooperation relations
  • Relation to management
  • Personal development
  • Safety risks
  • Offensive behavior
  • Psychological safety
  • Meaning in work
  • Balance between demands and resources in work
  • Physical health
  • General well-being

These quick pulse measurements are automatically pushed to your employees, and as a company, you can set the criteria for when notifications are automatically sent to HR, management, and OSH representatives based on emerging trends in the work environment, so you quickly become aware of and spot negative trends that need to be addressed, and positive trends that need to be supported. All this can be done anonymously.

Measurements can never stand alone.

A Dynamic WPA can uncover the challenges in your organization. But how is it brought forward to action?

Automatic activation of individual chat options:

With negative and positive development trends and predefined criteria at the individual employee, automatic chat options are activated for you to reach out to the employee through anonymous chat, where challenges can be explored, and the same becomes possible for the employee.

Ensuring targeted further uncovering:

Based on negative experiences in the pulse measurements, automatic questionnaires are offered within identified challenged areas, which you can send to teams or the entire organization to gain targeted insight into the perceived challenges in the work environment among employees. Dialogue-based WPA - The way to ensure that employees are heard, involved, and have co-ownership in the development of the work environment in your workplace.

Pulse measurements and uncovering questionnaires must never stand alone. It is through the relationship your employees feel heard and have the opportunity to influence and therefore co-ownership of changes. Therefore, the above measurements are the starting point for a dialogue-based WPA, where you send targeted open questions to your employees, who before a workshop about identified challenges have the opportunity to relate to these challenges in advance. These answers can be categorized and themed before a dialogue-based workshop, so it becomes targeted and relevant. The purpose of the workshop is to determine development plans that ensure the handling of challenges, which you together with your employees feel committed ownership of.

Development plans

Your tool to ensure measurable objectives for your handling of challenges in the work environment and follow-up on these.

Based on dialogue-based workshops, development plans are agreed upon handling challenges with clear success criteria and actions to achieve a common goal for handling. These development plans and objectives are visible in the MyWorksplace app, so everyone can return to these, and continuously monitor the development therein. Follow-up is also ensured, so you are sure that you are addressing challenges.

There is also an individual development plan module. This can support individual development plans or challenges. These embedded development plans are designed based on the SMART model, making it measurable whether these are adhered to, or what it takes to achieve them.

MyWorkplace resource team

Throughout the process from selecting pulse measurements to targeted uncovering surveys to analysis of uncoverings or dynamic WPA to facilitating workshops, developing development plans, and follow-up on these, MyWorkplace's experts are ready to help you create the best and most meaningful course for you and your business. Here we can either be involved throughout the process, or you can call us in for support as needed.

MyWorkplace Dynamic WPA also collects anonymized learning from all companies using the platform, and in this way, you automatically gain access to a large network of experiences from companies and industries similar to yours and some that do not.

At the same time, MyWorkplace ensures the opportunity for employees to anonymously report offensive behavior or potential violations through a whistleblower scheme.

If you want to ensure meaningful, time-saving, and targeted occupational health and safety work, MyWorkplace is a new and unique tool.

Book a meeting with our teams to learn more.

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