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Terms & conditions

Version 29.09.2023

Privacy policy and terms of use

Version 29.09.2023

MyWorkplace (hereinafter referred to as the application) is developed by KIAtec ApS and is based on the CareX connect platform (hereinafter CareX). You should read the terms of use before starting to use the application. Your use of services implies that you accept a set of rules and conditions, which we explain below. If you find anything in these terms that you cannot accept, please close the application.

Consent declaration and privacy

KIAtec aims to protect your privacy to the fullest extent and has therefore established some guidelines for the processing of your personal information, which you must accept before using the application. When you sign up, the personal information you provide is registered in a closed database in CareX. These details are stored from the moment you activate your user account in CareX. We reserve the right to contact you (notification, SMS, email) in connection with your use of the app. This may include updates or general use of the app. KIAtec keeps your data completely confidential in accordance with applicable laws. CareX does NOT disclose the data you may enter into the app to any external third party, including your workplace, without your explicit permission.

If you wish to give permission (consent) for data to be shared with others, such as your immediate supervisor or a healthcare provider, you will always receive a specific consent request that contains the purpose of data sharing and how data is stored, as well as how you can withdraw your consent for data sharing. Data will always be stored in accordance with the legislation for the storage of health and sensitive personal information, according to GDPR. The data collected in connection with your use of the app and the services in the app that you use are stored in a closed database. Your data may be used in anonymized form and at an aggregate level to improve the use of the app and for investigations related to statistics, research, or trend assessments. Your information is stored in a secure data environment within the EU and is subject to GDPR. Although we protect your data, we cannot guarantee 100% protection against breaches, including any hacker or virus attacks. We also cannot guarantee the consequences of a potential security breach, and we cannot be held responsible for it.

Special terms for content published by KIAPRO or KIAtec

MyWorkplace is a solution platform that allows your workplace to communicate more closely with you. This also means that your workplace has the opportunity to publish content in the app. In addition to this, there will also be standard content that comes from KIAPRO, the health editorial editor responsible for content related to health, well-being, and work environment, or from KIAtec as the technical responsible for the solution. KIAPRO reserves the right to publish content in the app of a general health and work environment nature. This general information and information conveyed in the app must not be used as a substitute for professional advice or treatment from an authorized doctor or other relevant professional. Links to information and other content in the associated services are of a general nature and cannot replace individual advice and guidance from professionals. The general material should not be regarded as diagnoses or a basis for diagnoses. If you have health-related questions, they should be addressed in a direct two-way dialogue with a doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Neither CareX nor service providers under CareX can be held directly or indirectly responsible for any consequences of the use of the services provided, general information, or information. All rights to content in MyWorkplace belong to KIAtec or our partners and may not be copied, sold, distributed, or reproduced without written permission. However, it is allowed for individuals to print the material for their own non-business use, provided that you do not edit the content, and you must also print these terms of use and attach them so that there is no doubt about the terms for using the material for anyone who may come into contact with it.

We reserve the right to change these terms at any time. If this occurs, it will be visible under “Terms” in the application. Your data is only subject to and can only be used in accordance with the terms as they were formulated at the time you accepted the terms.

If you experience problems with the functions or use of services in the application, please contact appsupport@kiatec.dk