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Why MyWorkplace?

All-in-one employee
engagement platform to
connect your people 

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Building a supportive culture

In today’s ever-changing work world, My Workplace is like a helpful guide, bringing new and smart solutions for employees. We started our journey by really understanding the problems that both Employees and Managers face in today’s workplaces

How we work?

We understand your roadblocks to workplace excellence

See how MWP creates value
for your organization

See how MWP creates value for your organization

Engagement and well beeing

For employees

  • Improved communication
  • Interactive content
  • Skills and development tools
  • Training needs assessment
  • Recognition and celebration
  • Evaluation and feedback sessions
  • Anywhere, anytime access
Engagement and well beeing

For C-suite management

  • Accelerate employee onboarding and retention
  • Optimize recruitment costs
  • Enhance employee skillset and satisfaction
  • Reduce 90-day failure rate
  • Address absenteeism rate
  • Maximize company benefit utilization
  • Minimize workplace incidents and accidents
Engagement and well beeing

For team managers

  • Performance tracking dashboard
  • Individual development plans
  • Real-time communication hub
  • Employee engagement tools
  • Skills mapping and training plans
  • Performance reviews and feedback loops
  • Recognition and rewards platform

Why choose MWP?

  • Modern intranet

    A smooth, easy-to-use, customizable, and brandable modern intranet solution designed to improve your employees' daily experience.

  • Employee digital hub

    Go beyond conventional intranet solutions to create dynamic integrated experiences that boost engagement by reducing context switching.

  • Broadcast centre

    Enhance communications by enabling targeted multi-channel messaging across web, mobile, SMS text, email, and overhead displays.

  • Newsletter experiences

    Deliver targeted, adaptable, and personalized newsletters to reach even the most difficult-to-access employees on any device and in any language.

  • Employee journey experiences

    Provide quick and easy access to all the information, resources, and actions employees need, from onboarding to offboarding and everything in between.

  • Inbox experiences

    Consolidate notifications, actions, alerts, and important notices into a single hyper-personalized view for every employee, from the CEO to your deskless staff.

Brands experience MWP solutions for modern workplace

Learn about our real-world examples of HR transformation and employee engagement
MyWorkplace Transformed Operational Efficiencies and Enhanced Employee Well-being at UMENIT Solutions LLP

How MyWorkplace transformed operational efficiencies and enhanced employee well-being at UMENIT Solutions LLP

In the evolving landscape of modern workplaces, organizations constantly seek solutions that streamline operations

Personalized HR solutions with My Workplace

In the dynamic landscape of modern HR, customization, and personalization have become paramount for employee satisfaction and organizational success.

Driving Performance and Strong Communication with MyWorkplace
Driving performance and strong communication with My Workplace

In today’s competitive business landscape, effective communication and performance are crucial for organizational success. This case study explores how Oyaka leveraged My Workplace, to drive performance and foster strong communication within the organization.

Experience transparent communication and management

User-centric design, continuous improvement cycle, data security and compliance, personalized solutions, feedback and iteration, transparent communication & engagement.

Build your own business services and integrate them.